Monday, July 30, 2012

Sneak Preview II

It's good when you look and smile at your work and say, "Did I really do this?". The last 3 months have been intense – I've never worked with so much deliberate purpose. I guess it's because ultimately it will be a part of each Sunday mass, each baptism, communion, confirmation, every wedding ceremony, Easter and Christmas celebration and everything in between – hopefully and truthfully a part of you the community. I hope in some way you can connect to it's meaning or simply for it's artistic value. Hey, no pressure right? Any way, the point I'm trying to make is that I didn't think I could do this (at this scale) and all it's demand and now I believe I can.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Good Friday

Thank goodness for Friday and for my escape from reality... is this my other reality? 
Can I just choose this one and forget about everything else? 

Good things happened tonight at St. Clare. 
I'm on to my third figure and by the end of tomorrow morning's session I should have 2 more done.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Today was one of those days at the office. I was so 'not' in the mood to paint and I didn't think I would get much done tonight on the church painting considering the my lack of energy (and sleep). But, to my surprise the results after three hours on my first figure were stunning. The photo above is just 15 minutes into my first hour. Peter is now complete and he's almost life like when I stand 15 feet from the wall. Fr. John is very happy - and that makes me even happier. I can't wait to show the completed Peter to everyone!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

One more

Here's one more sneak peak of God the Father. He was completed this morning and looks amazing. Unfortunately if any one wants to see him in full you'll need to attend the unveiling.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hand of God

Hands are never fun to paint. But after tonight, I don't mind it as much. It's still a work in progress... I think it still needs to be lightened around the base of the palm as it's nearest to the light radiating from the white dove.

Up close

I've never been up close to God like this. It's like he's staring at my every brush stroke... I better make them count. I started roughing in the metallic textures of his garment and will eventually tone the color values down to appear more ghostly as he floats out of the cloud background. The objective is to achieve a really soft looking figure that is individual from the darker and shadowed figures (apostles) on the bottom of the mural.

The Next Phase

Last weekend marked the beginning of the phase in which I focus on the figures. So I started with the Holy Spirit - represented by none other than the white dove. I began with this rough painted sketch.

Half way there!

It's been some time since my last post. Here's what I've been up to... the sky is finished! I was going to leave it as a surprise and let you see it in person - but I'll let you take a peak. The photos don't do it justice. The color is off and the glare from the light bulbs are in the way... so it will still be a surprise once we unveil it. These are taken from 3 levels within the scaffold structure.