Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The view from up here


Progress - end of May

I've been painting hard and happy to say all is going well and according to the vision. Last night was a special one – I painted to the sound of angels. I don't personally know these individuals who were practicing their new songs (or old ones)... I'm not even sure if they knew I was there painting behind the curtain. And I didn't want to interrupt them either to find out. I painted quietly as they sang and played their instruments. If you're reading this post, "Thank you! You sounded great!"

Monday, May 21, 2012

... more

Yup! I even got around to blocking in some of the dark tones to develop some of the form for the apostles. It was a good day!

The First Coat

7 Hours worth of pink paint! We started at 8am and worked through to 3pm – from the bottom right to the. Even at this early stage it's really starting to take shape. Painting clouds isn't my forte but (wow!) it's so much easier with a big fat 5" brush. I didn't expect to get this far today... I guess Fr. John put in a an extra prayer for today.

One Giant Drawing

The big day has come! I have finally transferred the giant image on the wall. Actually, it's a giant print generated from my master drawing. The drawing itself is only 36" x 15" – enlarged, it is roughly 18 feet across and 7 feet tall. On the reverse side I attached long sheets of carbon paper which I used to transfer the entire drawing when traced on the drawing's side. And after a few tweaks and more sketching, here's the result.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

God's-Eye View

We're getting closer to realizing our vision. Check this out everyone! 5 levels high and it's so sturdy... for a guy who hates heights. Fr. John took me up to the top and it was truly humbling to realize (again) the project that's before me. I'm totally excited and nervous too. This will be my 2nd home for the next 4-5 months. Being up there in the center of the church looking down... God's-eye view!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Our Vision

Here's a little bit of Photoshop magic... I combined the photos from our shoot with the painted studies of the background sky, God the Father and the Holy Spirit.  The scaffolding is currently being erected and I'm almost ready to begin production. God please grant me a steady brush!