Saturday, October 20, 2012

Giving Thanks

Last night was the biggest night of my life! All the important people  in my life and new friends gathered together to celebrate and give thanks for the mural I've been involved with for the last year. I was moved and humbled by the generosity of people simply displayed by a sincere hand shake and a "Thank you!"... it's amazing how far this simple gesture can go. One kind lady even gave me a hug!

It was my pleasure to paint this gift that Fr. John planned through me... as a proud member of the St. Clare of Assisi Parish I tell you do whatever you do best and do it well... and do it for someone other than yourself and you shall find true happiness. I did last night and I'm still in it's afterglow.

These a few pics just after the mural was completed. They don't do it justice... you'll need to go see them in person. I'm looking to get the mural professionally photographed. If anyone is interested please send me a message.