Monday, October 21, 2013

Thank you for joining me!

Final touches

These last two small murals can be seen on either end of the second photo. The Sacred Heart was painted above the statue of Jesus and the Carpenter's Hands above the statue of Joseph.

Dinner at Emmaus

From start to finish this only took a few weeks!! I'm so thankful for the right frame of mind and honor to paint this particular mural. This has a lot of personal meaning for me.


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

End of Week 1

As you can see the darker values have been blocked in. So far so good!
Stay tuned... I will be posting work on the figures (Jesus and John) on Wednesday night!

The Scaffold - Part II

This time around we're giving our parish community the opportunity to see the second mural in action! It's great because I can get down and take a wider look to access my work. We started on April 9 and we expected to be finished in a record 3 weeks! Two more days!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Baptism of Christ - Colour Study

This will be painted above the baptismal at the rear of the church. By March we will be ready to start again. 
I will be in full view as Father John has decided to not have me under the veil this time. 
So, come all to see it happen before your eyes!

The Baptism of Christ - sketch

Here are a few sketches that I have combined to provide reference for my colour study.
It was on the Jordon River near the mouth of the Galilee that John the Baptist preached about the coming of the Christ. Not only was John Jesus' cousin, he was the 'pathfinder' who readied the people for his coming... not only to Jerusalem but into their spirit. He did this with baptism with water he himself blessed. I think he would have been humbled by the visit and as you see in the sketches he seems to be very careful and precise in the act - like bathing a new born child.

Emmaus Colour Study

The sun is setting on Jerusalem and the bread is broken...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Phase 2 coming soon!

Here's one of the sketches for the Supper at Emmaus
which will be painted on the large gable over the Chapel entrance.

There were two disciples who heard the tomb of Jesus was found empty on the third day after Jesus' death. On their way to a town outside of Jerusalem called Emmaus they meet a stranger who gives them a Bible study on the prophecies about the Messiah. He makes a big impression on the two and they invite him to supper. When he breaks the bread "their eyes were opened" and they recognize him as the resurrected Jesus. Jesus immediately vanishes. With joy Cleopas and his friend head back to Jerusalem to carry the news to the other apostles.

Will we recognize him when he comes?