Friday, December 16, 2011


In Jesus' time you either feared Herod & the Romans or you feared the tax collectors. One would take the shirt off your back so the other could strip the flesh off as well. Matthew (standing) was a tax collector in his previous life. He was probably paid very well and protected and for this he was despised by his fellow Jews. Even after he joined Jesus' circle, he was considered an outcast and a sinner by the Pharisees who criticized Jesus... “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17)

And then there's Simon the Zealot (kneeling). Not much evidence on Simon but the legend describes him as a member of the Zealots which at the time were a political sect set on taking down the Romans by force or even terrorism. They too were considered outcasts for their aggression.

So, for both these two apostles I will paint them in an expression of humility – on their knees and heads bowed in thankfulness.

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