Sunday, November 20, 2011

A portrait

I've been drawing so many likenesses of Peter that I thought I'd create a smaller side project and do a portrait study. It's interesting that the more I draw and research these apostles the more I see 'us' in them. Strangely as it was, Jesus considered him the weakest and fearful of the bunch. Rather than follow with grace he was impatient and ready with one question after the other. He owned his own fishing vessels and laborers and most likely was used to having it his way on his own terms with his own rules. He lived by the feeling of his gut, the smell of the sea and the let's not forget he lived like everyone else under Roman law. Did his gut tell him to leave everything to follow Jesus? How did someone like Peter take such a risk? It takes strength of heart and an open mind to do something so opposite to this man. There you have it, two contrasting personalities – courage and fear. Don't we all have a little bit of Peter in us?

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