Monday, December 5, 2011

The Pillar

Another sketch, but not there yet. I always envisioned Mary at the center of the group between Peter and John. I felt they both may have been looking to Mary with sympathetic expressions. After all, she was losing Jesus once again. But wait a minute, she knew this was coming... it should be her looking to the apostles with comforting gestures. It's the apostles who must have been in awe at first, and then confused and fearful... like "now what do we do??" I like the way Fr. J. put it... they were of course in awe but they were also accepting and maybe even rejoicing to finally see Jesus up to Heaven like he always promised them.

Instead of sitting, Mary will be standing to make her the focal point in this story... 'the pillar' at the center of they're continuing faith added Fr. J. – makes sense to me.

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