Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Close but not there yet.

In this sketch I've finally incorporated the background composing of God the Father who is welcoming and also offering his son to the world and on either side are the two archangels. Mary is now standing with traditional halo (twelves starts symbolizing the twelve tribes of Israel) and a few of the apostles have switched their positions since the last sketch.

If you've ever been to St. Clare you would be familiar with the statue of the cruxified Jesus – this will remain the center of the composition instead of a painted Jesus.

It's getting very close but Fr. J and I decided to keep finessing it. As for the Trinity, The Holy Spirit (the dove) will be repositioned to fly between God the Father and Jesus. And I think God is looking too Santa Clause-ish... we wouldn't want to confuse the children would we?

Stay tuned!

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